A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Welcome to the Night Realm, one of the seven magical realms of Faery and home to the lunar fae... and to a human girl called Astora. Raised from infancy by the Folk, the Night Realm and faerie ways are all she has ever known. Until now...

In an effort to strengthen the realm, the Night Queen has invited the vampires and werewolves to Faery to negotiate an alliance. And rumor has it that her son, the exiled Nightmare Prince, has returned to court for the negotiations.

A blue moon has risen on the eve of their arrival, which can mean only one thing...

Change is imminent.

Assume the role of Astora, the human raised by faeries, and spend time with a sprite named Pix, the Night Queen, and many other faeries as you uncover the secrets of your past and fall in love with one of three handsome princes.

  • 91k words
  • character creation (4 skin tones, 5 hair colors, customizable name)
  • 3 male love interests
  • 2 endings per route (good and bad)
  • optional love scenes (toggle between Fade to Black and Full Steam in settings)

Content Warnings: fantasy violence, blood, profanity, sexual situations

Red - Writer, Programmer, Sprite Artist & GUI

Kas - Editor

Nicole Mendoza - Background Artist

lisamichele - Music & Sound Designer

WaterWays - Logo Artist

Made for OtomeJam 2023


Evernight - PC v1.1.zip 621 MB
Evernight - MAC v1.1.zip 616 MB
Evernight Guide.pdf 369 kB

Development log


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Is the Fae language just made up orrr

Yes it's just made up, sorry xD I do have some borrowed words from Irish and Italian for fae slang because I imagine the fae like to steal words they think sound "cool" and use them, but the fae language itself is made up.


Loved the game and all the routes!! Had me kicking my feet and blushing throughout. I couldn't stop playing once I started. Everything about it was amazingggggg! 

I do wonder what Aeden's true name is however? 👀


Thank you so much! We're so glad you enjoyed it, and I'm completely giddy hearing you were kicking your feet and blushing! :) Thank you for playing and leaving us such a wonderful comment!

Heheh, maybe someday I will reveal his true name... :P


This was soooo good! I couldn`t put it down until I finished all of the good ends. You can feel the love that was poured into everything. Thank you for sharing! x3


Thank you so much for playing and stopping back in to leave us such a kind comment! We're so happy you enjoyed it! :)

Not sure why, but my saves aren't showing up. I can see in the saves folder I have several there, but when I open the game, they aren't in the Load screen. 

That's really strange, I haven't heard of this one. Perhaps the Save and Load screens are opening up on different pages? I think there's about 9 or so available pages for saves.

Is there artwork for the backgrounds without the overlaid character somewhere?

It's be really nice for a desktop background.
But I don't remember a single scene where there wasn't a character in front of the background in-game.

(Of course, I was really focused on the game, so I may have missed it. lol)

Ah, I'm sure Mini will be so happy to hear you want to use her artwork as a desktop background! Unfortunately, we don't have any of them offered anywhere as standalone images. No one's every asked before! Which image are you wanting to use?

I wanted the MC's favorite spot by the pond. It's so beautiful. ^_^
But I also thought the other places would be nice to have for some variation.

Maybe you should release an artbook when you get the game up on Steam?

(I hope you put the game up on Steam at least. I'd love to buy it there and add it to my collection. ^_^ )

I really love the Fae games. Especially since you seem to know more about the Fae than most people.
Granted, the Unseelie is a bit overly nice compared to folklore --I WAS hoping the prince would live up to his reputation--, but you still portray them more accurately than just about every other writer I've seen. (Except, perhaps, in "The Cruel Prince".)

Have you studied Fae lore? ^_^

I AM sad that the prince did not live up to his reputation. *sigh*

But at least he was wonderful as far as non-villains go.
I'd be hard-pressed to name a non-cruel non-yandere love-interest that was better.

Thank you, that's quite the compliment! It makes me incredibly happy! :) I also love villainous characters and would like to explore a true villain romance in an otome someday, but I just didn't have the time I would need to do such a route justice during the jam.

Maybe some day it will crop up that the Nightmare Prince you met had a twin, and people mixed them up and that's why the one we met is so soft but has such a reputation? Ooooh! Intrigues~! ^_^

Or...or.... Maybe you'll write Oberon's story someday.
If my memory serves me he most certainly would be considered a Villain.
And you never did name the true Fae King. Just the rules of one part of Faerie.

Or maybe have a Fae stalking a human and drag her into his realm? lol
The culture shock would be wonderful, and it would not be the first time a fae married a human and took her away.
The land of the Fae does not only have culture shocks aplenty, but also a VERY strange way for time to pass.
A few hours in Faerie could be 100 years passing in the human world, or not time at all. Or, in very few and far between stories; time goes backwards and you end up before you were born.
Few people write good culture clash stories these days. Everyone just assume non-human creatures think and feel and hold the same ethics as humans do, without considering what their nature is and how they grew up and where.


I will keep my fingers crossed for a true villain. ^_^

I wonder what a Cinderella story would have looked like if she met a cruel Fae prince instead of Prince charming.
(Or maybe she was promised to Prince Charming, but met and fell for a Fae. lol)

I have too many ideas for my own good. *sigh* Anyway....

Feel free to tell me if you write one, I'd love to read it.

The game makes me want to save up for elf-ear surgery. lol
(It's a long recovery period tho. But this one guy does an amazing job.)

...I hope the rumors of the dark prince charming is true~ ^_^
I love villains a little too much too be healthy.

How curious to hear him say the Fae cannot love.
Folklore says differently. They even have married humans.
But considering he is of the Unseelie, this too makes sense.
They are not known to be loving. Not in the way humans are at least.
Perhaps in the way a yandere would be. The dark and dangerous kind.

The language in this story is beautiful and poetic. It makes the night and Fae come alive, in a way few other stories manage.
There is a dreamy quality to it as well. Well suited for a story about the Fae.

The artwork is simple, but beautiful.
It invokes a fae dream experience very beautifully.
Especially the night pond.

Not a fan of the vampire leader's looks.
It's a bit dull. Like taken from a certain unmentionable teen novel.
I almost expect to see him sparkle. *wrinkles my nose*

The one bad spot on an otherwise amazing story thus far.
And the Nightmare Prince more than make up for it.
I quite like the Nightmare Prince. ^_^

I'll keep my fingers crossed that he lives up to his reputation.

Not a fan of the werewolf leader. But then again; I never cared much for them. So that is not a criticism. He looks as he should.

Astoria is far to free to give out her name.
Is it not her true name?
Actually...that would make a lot of sense.
If you know someone's true name, you have power over them.
Especially a Fae.

I DO wish I could choose who she finds attractive tho.
Cuz the werewolf? Bleh!
(I understand the vampire, his magic can stir up emotions you have to shut down with a strong will. But the werewolf? Not even a little good-looking.
Not in my book at least.
I prefer the beautiful Nightmare Prince.
And I'd be hard pressed to say if it is his beauty, his reputation, or his behavior that make it so.)

Is it intentional that Rhistel asks how your 'day' went, instead of your night?Although Adean slipped up too.
You may wanna set a beta-reader on that.

If you want to polish this diamond of a story to a shine, I'd love to see some extra-nice artwork here and there.
(Like when Aiden lounge on his throne. ^_^ )

I wonder how she learned to lie...surrounded by people who barely even knew the concept. Much less how to.
Are lies in human nature? Or taught?

How strangely attached Astora is to the concept of kindness as necessary for a relationship, familiar or otherwise. If the person treats you well, does it matter why they do it? If them using you ensures you grow up happy, why does the motive matter?
....is this one of those human things I simply fail to grasp?

I also do not understand the need to trust someone to love them.
Or fear the pain of heartbreak --especially if you've never felt it before.
(The last part may be my masochistic side speaking, however. I realize that most humans shy away from pain, even mental pain...which always seemed harmless to me, however painful it was. It can't kill you after all. Nor harm your body.)

Awww..... I didn't get the choice to keep the collar... *Pouts*
I mean... knowing who held the leash at that time... I found it beneficial to keep, really. I wish there was a choice. *sigh*

I'm trying to avoid spoilers here, so spoilers below, but it must be said...to the creator at least:

I am surprised you didn't claim your name.
I half expected you to get a choice to claim it, or keep your Fae name.
The act would have changed your very nature.
For better or worse.

(I admit I also thought you had been fathered by a Fae, in which case the name would have unlocked your heritage.
And I thought the leash was bound by your name, which would explain the re-naming. But I admit the story version do make a lot of sense, except it doesn't explain why she renamed you. Unless someone else could have bound you by your true name.)

A truly beautiful game!!

And one of my new favorites.

Will it be available on Steam?
I REALLY want to add it to my collection there. ^_^

It's well worth paying for such a wonderful game.

We're so glad you enjoyed Evernight, and we thank you for your kind and insightful comments! :) At this time, I have no plans to put the game on Steam, though that may change someday. If I do, I'll certainly make an announcement here!

It wasn't intentional for Rhistel or Aeden to mention "day". I did have an editor, and many instances of this were caught, but I guess we missed some! The entire game was written and made in two months for the Otome Game Jam of 2023. Because of this, I had to streamline a lot of things in the script, but I tried to provide as much player agency as I could. I would love to come back someday and polish the game more, adding in CGs if possible (such as Aeden lounging on  his throne).

It was Rhistel who taught her how to lie. Not by example, but by explaining it to her and encouraging her to try. As a Dreamer, he is in a unique position to understand many concepts both faeries and humans would find complicated.

As for the comments about her name, (SPOILERS AHEAD to anyone who might read the comments) the player has the choice to claim her name in the vampire and werewolf endings, as she is embarking on a new journey and (possibly) embracing her human side. I didn't include it in Aeden's route because Astora has completely embraced her "fae" side and views her birth name as her true name, meaning it was for Aeden only. And the reason why the Night Queen renamed her when she was a baby was largely because she had no care for Astora's real name. Just as Aeden told her, "Astora" was not a name, it was what the Night Queen saw her as: a treasure.

Thank you for playing and leaving such thoughtful comments about your journey! :)

Ah. I see. The dreamer thing makes sense.

In "The Cruel Prince" lying is considered a valuable trait to have, for many reasons.
I can see how that might be true. A good story is all lies after all. Not to mention the more practical uses.
But the same skill would make them distrust humans --those who knows this anyway.
I do love how you include Fae lore in this story. ^_^

Ah, I see. I guess it does make sense she wouldn't claim her name in the Fae ending.
And I didn't like the vampire and werewolf enough to try that. lol
(I never like werewolves tho. And I admit the vampire do look romanian, but not very classical vampire. Can vampires get a haircut btw? I don't remember what period he is from or what the hairstyle of the time was normal. lol)

(1 edit)

I wish you could change name of the MC....
It feels more personal when you can.
It's harder to be invested in someone else than in oneself.

What does it say under the naming option= Frog name? oO
The letters are beautiful, but nearly impossible to read.
(It took me several minutes to figure out that "Dong" or "Vong" was actually "Done". xD)

For someone raised in Fairy, Astoria is quick to accept gifts.
(And things that fall into ones hand might be considered accepted in some folklore stories.)
It's dangerous to accept gifts from the Fae. However friendly they are.
But I suppose she trusts her friend to ask for something she is willing to pay in return.

But I will admit there do exist a few stories where someone involved with the Fae HAVE received a rare gift that comes without a cost.
So kudos for how Astoria handles that. ^_^

I love Fae and the fae lands. So I am very pleased to have found this beautiful game! :heart:

The Fae lives by rules that makes little sense to a human, and even the kindest can seem cruel because they think, feel, and have laws that differs so fundamentally from humans, so I am looking forward to play more and see how you handle this incredible "otherness" that they possess. ^_^

I am surprised someone from the Winter Court, whom is said to hate humans, took in a human.
I honestly had expected her to be taken as a Changeling, not rescued.
Doubly so by the one who did rescue her.

(I'm also surprised it's a queen, as everyone knows Oberon is the King of the Winter Court, and there is never mentioned a queen. 
The queen mentioned is from the Summer Court.
But I will admit that just because it is not known that Oberon have a wife it means that he doesn't....)

Will there be a goblin marked, selling everything from rare gems and addictive fruits to hopes and dreams? ^_^

I look forward to finding it out...

I'm sorry the font was difficult to read! While you cannot rename "Astora" as it is integral to the story, you can change her "True Name" just below. Reading your theories and thoughts was very interesting! I really enjoy faerie lore. However, the world of Evernight takes place in my own original faerie world, which is absolutely influenced by established faerie mythology, but is its own blend of ideas. I hope you enjoyed the experience! :)

Ah, you answered a question here I asked when replying to the other comment. lol

Have you read "The Goblin Marked" and the "Green Children of Cornwall"?
(There's a Choice of Game game based on the goblin marked btw. If you're interested.)
I think "Neverwhere" of Neil Gainman may have something on the Fae world too (it crops up in a Constantine/Books of Magic crossover part as well, where Constantine tells the HP rippoff boy (not sure who ripped off who) about the rules of the Fae.)

I've studied the fae (and folklore creatures) since I was a kid, and while I don't remember everything, I DO remember that the most terrifying part for humans was not their wicked deeds but their extreme "otherness".
(They could be wicked, if slighted or a promise broken. 100 years of slavery for not being able to pay for a gift you accepted, eyes ripped out because she either accidentally or intentionally used the salve on her eyes that let her see the unseen, fruits that makes you wither away with longing --I could go on. And that's not counting darker creatures, like Redcaps and Kelpies.)

But these things are not seen as cruel. That's the difference. Because human morality and Fae morality is so vastly different.
Right and wrong often clash with each-other to such a degree that it can be hard to meet. And yet some humans do learn.
In some stories there are people who get so close to the Fae they're considered crazy, because they start acting like them more and more.
In other stories the human is terrified by what appears to be a complete lack of all morals and ethics --while their own rules are very strict and the punishment for breaking them beyond high. (Death as punishment is rare, slavery far more common.)

Sorry... I ramble. ^_^;
I just adore the Fae and love talking about them.
I swear one of these days I'll save up enough money to get Fae ears surgery too. Probably. lol

As much as I love the darker side of the Fae lore (and everything, really, I usually end up falling for the villain, then lamenting that no game allows for a -true- villain to be the love interest lol) your Night world is a truly beautiful place, and the story is wonderful.

The writing is also excellent --and I tend to nitpick a lot on that, being a writer myself.

such a great game i love  the backgrounds and the characters  especially the mc she is so pretty and sweet


Thank you so much for playing and leaving us such a kind comment! We're so glad you enjoyed the art!! :) And I'm absolutely thrilled you liked Astora so much. ^_^

I absolutely loved it! The art was stunning, and the backgrounds added a soothing, atmospheric touch that fit the whimsical vibe. The protagonist was so sweet and lovable. While it was a bit short, it made for a sweet and enjoyable read. Thank you for creating it!

Thank you so much for playing and for leaving such a kind comment! :) We're so happy you enjoyed it! Finding the right balance on an MC who has a personality that stands out but is also likeable can be tricky, so I'm especially thrilled you found Astora lovable. <3

dose anyone know if theres an ending where i can stay with the nightqueen?  ik im fucked in the head but my brain is already dead set on her being my favorite.

I'm sorry, there's no ending like that currently. :(

Just replayed this game for the 4th time and i really really love it. Lucas is my absolute favorite  and i adore the art. Thank you for this masterpiece!!!

Fourth time, wow! I'm so very happy you love the game so much and that you like Lucas! He was a lot of fun to discover in the writing process and I'm glad he's getting some love. Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing Evernight! :)


I absolutely adored this. I was sat at work today, excited to get home to finish where I had left off the previous evening.

I have to say... Aeden's has to be my favourite route. I had fun with all of them, but I felt like Lucas' & Dragan's endings were far too bittersweet for my poor sappy heart! I ABSOLUTELY cried during the ending scene for the two of them.

Also, my favourite character is Pix - I would die for that funky little pollinator. With a close second being Astora herself - sometimes, when a protagonist is already a well established character, there can be a clash between what the player wants and what the character does. I never felt that frustration with Astora. She is strong willed, beloved, and her lack of knowledge/thirst for answers never comes across overly naive. I also love that despite being human(ish), she is generally portrayed as being on an even playing field with the ROs in one way or another.

This was honestly so wonderful. Can't wait to see what you cook up in the future.


Thank you so much for your kind comment! We're so glad you enjoyed it! :) That you were sitting at work excited to go home and play makes me smile, and that you cried during Lucas's and Dragan's ending scenes makes me so happy! Not that you cried, of course, but that you were moved. Their routes definitely have that bittersweet element (Piiiiiiix!!!!), and I'm with you in that my favorite routes are always the ones with the happiest endings.

Pix is definitely one of my most favorite characters as well! But it's so wonderful for me to hear you also loved Astora as a protagonist and that you never felt like her personality and choices clashed with your own desires for the character. It can be tricky to find the right balance between not enough personality and too much (or too strong?), and it's a relief to know that you found Astora's balance to be an overall enjoyable experience.

Thank you again for playing and for stopping by to let us know your thoughts! We deeply appreciate it. And I hope you will enjoy future stories! :)

Oh my goodness, I was blown away by this game! The world you crafted, the characters, the art... everything was absolutely wonderful! I stayed up waaay too late playing Aeden's and then Lucas's routes, now I have to go to bed but will definitely tackle Dragan's, lol. Astora is a lovely protagonist: sweet, clever, and resourceful. Nicely done!

Wow, thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you didn't lose too much sleep! We're so happy you enjoyed Evernight, and I'm over the moon that you felt Astora as a likeable protagonist (it can be so tricky to get that right). Hopefully Dragan's route will be just as entertaining as the others and you will enjoy your stay in the Night Realm until the very end. :)

as a fellow faerie enthusiast i was so excited to play this and i am blown away!!! the amount of traditional fae lore in this, with just the right amount of plot and romance,,,, god im in love with this otome game. its so immersive (from the backgrounds to the beautiful music to the character designs,, ugh!!!) and ive been staying up past midnight for hours just to finish playing one of the routes... tomorrow morning im definitely gonna play the others cuz i freaking love this. this is everything to me.


Aww, I'm so so so happy you are loving Evernight! It was so much fun to write. I tried really hard to capture a more traditional faerie world while still putting my own twist on it, so I'm really glad it landed well with you and you are enjoying it. I will definitely pass on your kind compliments to the rest of the team as I know they will appreciate it. Reading your comment has definitely made my morning, so I hope that you also have a great morning as you enjoy the rest of the routes! :) Thank you so much for playing and for stopping in to let us know what you think!

I really love this game! I've played many otome games but this one is special, mesmerising, more like reading interactive novel with beautiful magical art and music. I won't forget this experience, even though I've finished all routes, I want to play it all over again! Thank you

Aww, thank you so much for playing and for your incredibly sweet words! We're so happy you enjoyed Evernight and that you found the experience unforgettable. :) I hope it will always be a story you can revisit whenever you need a little bit of magic!

I'm looking forward to full release of Everfall as well and I hope you will create more games related to this universe, it has a great potential!  I can't wait


I had an enjoyable time with this game. It was all so good from the setting, the music, characters, and the writing. Didn't expect to like it so much.

I liked all routes, but Lucas is my favorite, followed by Aeden and lastly Dragan. 

The story felt predictable, but the truth behind the MC's powers was a good twist. I'm not saying that being predictable is bad, this was very well done, and it made me rack my brain trying to discover who might be the person sending those riddles to the MC haha.

How the MC connected with the MLs was also very well done.

I have to say that this MC is the best one that I read in a long while. Many amare and otome games fall into the shy and boneless MCs, or the too overpowered ones. Astora is a perfect balance of being sassy and sensitive. She's not a badass, but that doesn't make her weak. She was great on all routes. I loved her sassy and witty personality. She was a joy to read, and I really connected with her, it truly made me feel like I was there with her and experienced everything. I even teared up when she got the truth about herself, which not many MCs draw from me.

The only "negative" thing I want to say about the game is the "final confrontation." It happens too fast? Not sure. For me, it felt a bit rushed, but it didn't break the immersion.

What I really enjoyed the most of this game is Pix (bless them), the steamy scenes hehe, and how the Queen has different "endings" depending on the route. Really liked those details!

Congratulations on this awesome game. You guys did an amazing job!

Oh wow, thank you so much! I'm so glad Lucas was someone's favorite! His route was the one that surprised me most. I wasn't sure what to do with him at first, but as his character unfolded during the writing process, I wound up really liking him a lot too. And you're so right, the story is very predictable, haha.. Sometimes predictable is comfortable and sometimes it's boring, so I'm glad you found it the enjoyable kind! And that you still found a twist and a little bit of mystery! :)

I'm really honored that you liked Astora as much as you did. The MC is usually a big point of contention in many otome and amare games - I've seen lots of reviews on lots of games say, "It was good, but the MC was too stupid to live/really annoying/had zero personality," and so forth. I've also felt that way before, so it was my goal to write a character who hopefully felt real but also true to her circumstances while still being someone the player had some agency over. But just because it was a goal doesn't mean I was successful! So I'm really over the moon that you liked her so much!

I would really love to know more details about what you felt was rushed about the final confrontation so I can hopefully flesh it out more in the future, but I appreciate that you have tried hard to give a spoiler free review. If you don't mind and have time, would you email me at frozenstargames@gmail.com to let me know? I would really appreciate it! :)

Thank you!! Thank you for playing Evernight and thank you for your kind words! It means the world to us!


This was so well-written. This game reminded me of romance paperbacks. I love that the "day cycles" are the phases of the moon. That was clever. All routes have satisfactory endings and there's so much potential to expand the world building. I'm very intrigued about the Day Realm. Great work!

Thank you so much for playing and for your kind comment! I'm so happy you enjoyed the story and found all the endings satisfactory. :) I definitely want to expand upon the world and someday visit the Day Realm, which I hope you will enjoy as well. Thank you again!


oh my lord this was sooooooooooo perfect. So wholesome, so beautiful, heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. The scene with the fairies standing vigil to you?With that music and writing? MY HEART WAS IN SHATTERS. Beautiful ,showstoping, a masterpiece. My only complaint is that it ended. How I wish for an epilogue, to see how MC adapts to a new world, and her new relationship. Gahhhh I wonder if there's a fanfic for this somewhere

You're amazing, thank you SO much for having shared this with us <3


Oh wow, thank you so much for your sweet comment! I'm completely over the moon after reading it. >_< And I'm so happy you enjoyed the story. The scene you are referring to was totally unplanned and just happened while I was writing, but it felt right and is one of my favorites too! <3 I would love to come back and do an epilogue to show how the MC is getting along in the life she chose! I hope to make it happen someday. :) Thank you again for playing and for your kind words. They really made my day! <3


Just finish Daegan's and Aiden's routes, everything was so magical! I haven't enjoyed reading through story like this since Ebon Light. 10/10


Ooh, wow, thank you so much! Ebon Light is one of my all-time favorite games so that's such a huge compliment. :) I'm so very glad you enjoyed Evernight and found it magical! Thanks for playing and for stopping by to leave us such a sweet comment!

I tried to play it and the first time i opened it worked perfectly but I do not know what happened now that it says that my computer is using software rendering and it won't open? It is the same day tho, just a few hours ago i played it and i do not understand what's wrong

Wow, I've never heard of that error before. I did a quick search and only found one other person detail this specific issue, but there were no solutions. What operating system are you using?

Windows 10 and intel 5, like, i've never had problems before and the game worked the first time so idk

So I looked into it more and apparently software rendering typically means the program is using the CPU instead of the GPU, which is obviously inefficient. It could be a driver or hardware issue. Have you updated your graphics driver recently?

Also, it could be an issue with Ren'py using the wrong renderer for some reason. I saw these instructions on the Ren'py documentation you could try, which I assume works for any game made in Ren'py.

  1. Hold down Shift while starting Ren'Py, or press Shift+G once Ren'Py has started.
  2. From the "Graphics Acceleration" menu that appears, choose the renderer to use.
  3. Choose "Quit", then restart Ren'Py.

Please let me know how it goes!

Just did this with all the rendered options that i have and none work =c
I'll try to reinstall later and see if it works, the plot was looking so nice

Oh no! Is this happening with other Ren'py games you might have?

nooo i got the bad ending with aeden i sobbed :'( love the story tho

Oh no! All you have to do is tell him you love him and you should get the good ending. :)

ohh okay thank u sm


Absolutely LOVED Aeden’s route. I’m going to finish the others over the coming week. I’m hoping that we get more stories set in Faery. Super curious about the Day Realm too ahhhhh I love it all. 😭 Excellent work 👏🏼👏🏼

Thank you so much for playing and stopping by to leave us such a kind comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed Aeden's route and I hope you enjoy the others as well. I definitely have more stories planned for the other realms of Faery! :)


I just finished Aeden's route. I'm in love 💕

Yay! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :)

I love your writing style. The way you tell the story make it easy for me to imagine myself in MC's shoes (uhhh, I have a very vivid imagination, and so..., I've always picture myself as mc, ahem). 

Plus, in here, MC's personality is interesting. 

You see, I often dropped visual novel games or games in general because the mc being annoying, too naive (and not improved anyway), etc. 

No matter how good love interest in those games, if MC irritated me, I'll drop them in a heartbeat. Everyone have their own opinions of course. In this case, I just state mine. 

So, I'm glad I found an interesting game that can entertain me from beginning to end. 

Thanks again for the game, I really enjoyed it~ 💕


Thank you, that's such a huge compliment! I'm so honored you enjoy my writing style and the way I write MCs, and that you felt Astora was crafted well enough for you to put yourself in her shoes. :) As you said, it's a personal preference, but I also prefer MCs who are relatable. I always try to write my main characters that way, so it's really nice to hear when someone enjoys the MC as much as the LIs! Thank you again for your really kind and thoughtful comment - it really made my day! - and for giving Evernight a chance! <3


I couldn't stop grinning the whole time, all the characters are amazing. The subtle differences with each route, it was amazing. I can't choose a favorite, they were all amazing and I look forward to what you do in the future! I will be checking out your other games. 

Aw, thank you so much for playing and for stopping by to leave us such a sweet comment! We're so very glad you enjoyed the game, and I'm immensely happy that you fell in love with all three romance options! :)

I've played this like 8 times its so good! You're an amazing storyteller.

Thank you so much. That truly means the world to me! <3


This was amazing. Pix especially. So well written and I can't wait to read it again and again...and again...

Aw, thank you so much! We're so happy you enjoyed it and I'm so thrilled you loved Pix! They are the best. <3


A delightful treat! All 3 routes were enjoyable. I liked how they each gave different perspectives on solving the main mystery. I was surprised at just how cohesive and how much writing there was for a jam game, it must have been a monumental task for 2 months. The music was sooo lovely (the violin rendition of the flute song in dragan's route was one of my favourites!), and I was amazed at how many backgrounds there were. The background art and the UI design in general was almost nostalgic to me, like it felt very familiar and home-y.

I have to say my fave LI was Aeden because of his reaction to Astora's wittiness (so many lines had my kicking my feet asjdhjkads) and the banter between them but I really enjoyed the different flavours of each of the 3 LIs and how their attraction to Astora was portrayed.

The character customization was a really nice added touch, it was so nice to be able to have a dark skinned PoC MC and it still flattered the sprite without looking off or like an afterthought. I was impressed by how many outfit changes the MC had too! That was a lot of work for a jam! All in all, I really enjoyed this game! A dark fantasy fairy world with gaelic (?) folklore made for a unique and fun setting to delve into.

Wow, thank you so much! We're so happy you loved the music and it really warms my heart that you found the GUI and backgrounds nostalgic and home-y (the GUI came together at the very last minute T_T). Aaaand YES, you're right, it was a lot of writing for a jam... I've been thinking about writing up a post-mortem about the process, just in case anyone is curious or maybe needs a few words of warning. T_T I actually injured my arm finishing the game, so as proud as I am of what we accomplished, I'm also firmly in the, "Alright, I learned my lesson, let's not try that again," camp, haha. But I'm so glad you liked all of the routes, and Aeden's especially! That you were kicking your feet to his lines just made me ridiculously happy. x3 It's a relief to know all three of them were able to stand on their own!

Character customization is something that's really important to me and I always want to include it if I can, so I'm really happy you found the results acceptable! Having more hairstyles is something I'd like to explore more in the future as well. :) The outfit changes, yes...  I like it when the MC can change clothes! Wearing her casual outfit to bed? Never! Going to a party wearing her casual outfit? Not on my watch!! But honestly, they were a very pleasant break from writing for me, which is probably why there's so many...

Thank you again for playing Evernight and for stopping in to leave such a thoughtful and sweet comment! I was so happy to read it, it really made my day. :) And I know I speak for the rest of the team when I say we're so glad you enjoyed our game!

i was wondering if you took irish as youre inspo for the fae language? also its a lovely game xx

Thank you very much! And yes, I used Irish as an inspiration for the fae language! I think the faeries probably steal words from all sorts of languages and use them as their slang, but a lot of their actual language was influenced by Irish.

(1 edit)

Honestly so amazing! Love the music and the theme of the VN is everything I love! Loved romancing Aeden, wouldnt have minded to go through an evil route with the queen ;) but i digress, amazing story!


Yaaay, thank you so much! We're so happy you enjoyed Evernight! It was immense fun to write in this world, and Lisa totally knocked it out of the park with her amazing soundtrack. :) I'm so glad you loved Aeden's route (an evil route with the Night Queen, oh my!!) and we appreciate you stopping by to let us know what you thought. Thank you for playing!


Honestly one of the best games I have ever played!!!


Wow, that's amazing! We're so happy you rate it so highly. :) Thank you so much for playing and leaving us such a kind comment! <3


What a beautiful game with wonderful characters. I absolutely adored it. And I loved the reference to VtM too XD Thank you for making such a wonderful game!!!!

Thank YOU so much for playing! We're so glad you enjoyed the story and characters (VtM <3), and we appreciate you stopping by to leave us such a kind comment! :)


OMG I am soooo in love with this game! It is so good! Aeden's route is definitely my favorite, but I was also pleasantly surprised by Lucas's route! Also the music for this game is SPOT. ON! It is so ephemeral and dreamy and 100% transports you to the world of Faery! Well done! But now I'm sad because like I want morreee! Any chance you'll make a full game in the future?

Not that this isn't a full game! But I think I saw you made it for a jam? So I know in the past when people have done that they've gone on to add more/update it in the future. 


Thank you so much for playing Evernight and for your kind comments! I'm really happy you enjoyed the routes and the music! Lisa did such an amazing job capturing the faerie realm and it still blows me away every time I hear her lovely tracks. :)

You're right, Evernight was made for a jam, which was amazing that we got so much done in such a short time, but also limiting. I have thought many times about expanding upon the game - from side character sprites and new filler scenes to a possible GUI revamp and even short DLC stories. [It was even suggested to me a few times to try running a small crowdfunding campaign to add CGs to the game since I'm not very good at them.] I would definitely like to expand upon this game and fill it out even more, but I want to make sure any additions are meaningful and add to the overall value of the story. I'm still working out the particulars for all the possible routes.

In the meantime, I do have other stories I want to tell in the fae realms and I've been gathering my ideas for a new game set in this universe. :) I don't want to make any promises just yet, but it's my hope to return to Faery this year!


So, I've never played anything here that was based on a world of fairies, vampires and wolves, I'm so in love with Evernight! The boys were wonderful, I want to talk a bit about the three of them, just my impression, but we all know that the real protagonist is PIX! <3

Aeden: The best romance, that's it. Do I have to say more? It's Aeden for God's sake! He has that dangerous but mysterious and sassy way about him that makes you want to chase him anywhere, like throwing yourself into danger with open arms, but it's not that dangerous. He's also sweet, but not as sweet as our wolfie boy Lucas. And, come on, who doesn't want to be queen? Being called Faery Lady by him? Cuz I fuckin do!

Lucas: I've a soft spot for werewolves. Yeah, I'm a Twilight fan and I was team Jacob LMAO I liked how Lucas had both the sweetness and the brutality and possessiveness of a wolf in the right measure, not toxic at all and quite fun to watch. He's a sweetie pie, you can't help but like this ferocious fur ball, Lucas's just the big softie and I want him. His ending, going to live with the humans, is something Astora deserves, although it would be something I'd hate to do in her place, but being in a pack is the best part.

Pragan: Ok, so... I have mixed feelings about our bloodsucker here (I swear it's not my team jacob vs edward team) He's really handsome, and charming, but I kept feeling like he was only attracted to Astora because of the blood? Dunno, I don't trust vampires very much. I think he's the most Dark Romance of the three LOL but he's not bad, for me he's not better than lucas or Aeden, but he was attractive and funny just the same. I didn't like his ending very much, I don't know, maybe it would be cool if Astora became a vampire too, but that must be impossible? Aaaa, ignore me, I'm just thinking too much. I loved all three routes, regardless!


Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! We're so happy you gave our faerie world a chance and fell in love with the characters (Pix <3)! I am thrilled you enjoyed Aeden and Lucas. I had the most fun writing Aeden's route, but Lucas was the one who surprised me the most with how sweet he turned out to be. I hadn't planned on it, but I really enjoyed the way his route unfolded.

With Dragan, I think I know what happened... When I started writing, I knew the game would be short since it was for a jam. I wanted to have a complete romance arc for our MC, but also a way to justify falling in love in just 8 days. That's why I went for the "mate" concept. In my attempt to differentiate Dragan from Lucas and Aeden, I chose something uniquely vampiric (the blood attraction) but still tried to convey the "romance" behind it with the idea that he could only drink from her. However, I could have done a better job exploring the gravity of this development, and also with showing that his feelings were about more than the blood. In my attempt to convincingly portray a 350+ year old vampire, I suppose I got too hung up on his self-restraint. >_< As for Astora becoming a vampire, I'll just say it's not impossible!

Anyway, thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment to share you thoughts with us! We so appreciate it and we're so happy you enjoyed Evernight! :)

I liked this game so much! The different routes are great and each one adds more to the story as we play. Lucas's route surprised me a lot cause I didn't expected him to be so sweet and it just feels right that the protagonist will live in the human world with him,  but Aeden's is still my favorite. It seems they were made for each other and she deserves to be queen. I'll remember this as one of my favorite game of the genre!

Thank you so much for playing and for leaving us such a kind comment! We're so happy you enjoyed it, and that you found each route interesting. When I first started outlining the arcs, I really didn't know what I wanted to do with Aeden's route, and his came together last. I was initially worried his climax would lack the intensity of the others and his epilogue would feel plain, but after coding them, I thought they held their own and then some. Honestly, I wound up liking his route the most as well. :) We're honored you will remember this as one of your favorites in the genre!

I am delighted with the game and impressed that it was created in just two months. Probably, like many people here, I liked Aeden's ruth the most.

But I was curious what Astora was saying when chasing away the bone fairy (Dun nora leew cnor. A’sta. A’sta be! - Lucas's ruth), and although I understand the semantic connotation, I'm interested...

I also tried to find information about this creature (Cnamh sith), but according to its name it turned out to be impossible, only the description (bone faeri) gave the result, but I'm not completely sure that this is it... 

Has this name been used in any folklore? Where can I read it?

Thank you, I'm so glad you're enjoying the game and that you love Aeden! :) I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

"Dun nora leew cnor" roughly translates to, "Back into your dark." A'sta translates to "go", and adding "be" just makes it a command spoken with authority, and has the impact of, "Go NOW."

As for cnamh sith, I just made it up. The bone faerie itself is based off the wendigo, but I wanted a name for it that felt like it had origins in the Night Realm. Cnamh is Irish for "bone", which is why I chose it.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

If you ever make an updated version, putting in a glossary would be a handy feature. Like Saira I was able to figure things out from context, but I would have liked to know what the writer had in mind. :)

That's a good idea. I wanted to originally, but ran out of time. If I ever make updates to this game, I will look into adding that! At the very least, I could write up a post about the phrases and other lore for anyone interested. I can just update it with new information any time someone asks a new question! :)

Currently going onto Aedens route but im not sure how to get the good ending:( but i love this game and how well written it is! Thank you for making this game!

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you think the game is well-written and we appreciate you playing and taking the time to comment! As for the good ending, I've included a guide for Evernight in the downloads section that will show you how to get the good ending for each route as well as the bonus dialogue bits. If you want to avoid looking at the guide, the best tip I can give you for obtaining the good ending is to trust in your dreams. :) I hope you enjoy it!

I loved every second of that  game, it's extremely cozy and just well written. Character are flawlessly designed in every aspect, I couldn't help but just fall in love with this game (and Aeden lol). It kind of made me back to those fairy tales about all sorts of folklore creature but in new light, immersing myself into this fantasy land. 

Thank you for your work!

Omigosh, wow, thank you so much! We're so happy you fell in love with the story (and Aeden!) and so very grateful you stopped by to leave us your kind comments! It was a real pleasure to write my own spin of fairy folklore and I hope I get to do so again, and that you will enjoy that venture into the world as well! :)

I'm curious what 'A fey'lana maith' meant when Aeden said it? Currently in the process of reading so if it's explained forgive me lngsl

(1 edit) (+2)

Sure, I'd be happy to tell you! (I probably should've explained in the game, oops...)

Fey'lana is "faerie maiden" or "faerie lady", but has the same meaning as "female" or "woman". Though it's a technical term for a female faerie, it's commonly used as a term of endearment by both parents to their daughters and fae to their female lovers.

A is "my" and maith means "good". So a literal translation of "a fey'lana maith" would amount to, "My good girl." But "maith" in the fae tongue is not a mild world. When something is "maith", it carries a feeling of "it doesn't get any better."

So the meaning of "a fey'lana maith" in the fae language is more like, "My perfect faerie lady." However, for it to be a purely sweet and loving comment, the phrasing would be simply, "Fey'lana maith", which would imply "you are perfect." Instead, because it's Aeden, he added "my", which gave it a decidedly possessive and sexual spin. Still sweet, but also spicy.

I should go ahead and tell you that you'll soon come upon the phrase "Fey'dorna sith". Fey'dorna is "faerie thorn", but basically has the same meaning as "bitch". Sith is another term for "faerie" but it refers to the Solitaries, so it implies "corruption".

So when Aeden says, "Fey'dorna sith," he is essentially saying, "(You) evil bitch."

All that might've been more than you wanted to know, haha, but I hope it helps!

EDIT: I'd like to add that "dorna" as a standalone word just means "thorn" and has no negative connotation. Adding Fey to it is qualifying "dorna" as a living thing (or person) and not an object, and so the meaning evolves to that of "bitch."

This game is really good! I've played so many visual novels but this one stood out for being able to get me attached to the side characters in such a short amount of time! I didn't expect to like all three love interests either, they're all great. Good job! Excited to see what you make in the future (if you do decide to)

Aw, that's so amazing! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed it, and I'm thrilled you were able to like all the love interests and grow attached to the side characters! It really warms my heart. Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to leave us such a nice comment! I hope our future projects will be just as memorable. :)

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