Aww, I hope the feelings are all good. Sending hugs! :) We're so happy you enjoyed it, and are honestly so flattered that you loved it enough to want to replay. Thank you so much for giving our game a chance and for taking the time to let us know how you felt about it! Your kind words mean the world to us!
Ok, I played this a bit ago but forgot to comment, so now is the time! At first I was only really interested in Aeden, but the common route/prologue (to my surprise) made me interested in all the LIs. Well done with that!
So far I've played Aeden's route and Lucas. And I love Aeden. He is wonderful (and beautiful). I enjoy their banter and dynamics.
Also the art is gorgeous!! I often found myself just admiring the MC. She is so beautiful. Thank you for making her customizable!
The backgrounds are also really beautiful, though definitely a different style, I think it works very well.
The characters sprites are all really pretty, including the background characters.
I can't really believe this game was made in only two months (?!?). It is fantastic, really incredible job!!!
Thank you so, so much for your kind words. Your comment really made my day! I know how you feel when you only initially find one LI interesting, so it's such a huge compliment that the prologue made you interested in all three of them! I'm so glad you love Aeden - I had a lot of fun writing him! And it really warms my heart how much you love the artwork, especially the MC. I've only drawn sprites once before, but they never saw the light of day, and this was my first time attempting expressions, so I'm really happy that you liked it so much! I really love games where you can have a customizable protagonist, so it was important to me to try (and drawing all her outfits was honestly just fun, haha).
Some days, I'm still shocked we made it in two months! It was such a blur, but I'm really proud of what we accomplished. And I'm just so happy that so many people have enjoyed it. Thank you for playing and for stopping by to let us know your thoughts! :) We appreciate it so very much!
Oh my gosh, that's such a huge compliment! I'm so honored that you love the game enough to come back and replay it. Thank you so much for your kind words. They really made my day! :)
Just finished Aeden's route in one go and just WOW. Can't wait to finish all the others. (Also, useless sidenote, but the guy I just got over irl has the same name, with a slight spelling change, which spooked me a bit LOL.)
Heh, wow, what a coincidence! It's always so spooky when that sort of thing happens, but I'm glad it didn't turn you off to playing his route. :) I'm happy you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the others as well! Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to let us know what you think!
Haha nothing could turn me off of Aeden's gorg sprite & witty remarks!! literally one of the most beautiful 2d men i've had the pleasure of romancing. You're vv much welcome and I'll try to leave a more nuanced review when I finish it fully <3
Hi! I still love this game. This is just a little bug report. During Aeden's route when they are first sitting on the throne together, I get the error message: "Image 'aededn hooded' not found."
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for letting me know! I tracked it down and fixed it, and I'll upload the corrected version soon. Thanks again, and please let me know if you find any other issues! :)
I ran across this same bug (in the Waxing Gibbous chapter). I downloaded the game just a few days ago so I guess you haven't had time to fix it yet?
Anyway I had mostly come back to this page because I thought it was a "name your price" model, and maybe I'm just blind, but I'm not seeing it... Do you have a Ko-fi or something instead?
You know what? I fixed it that day, but I got distracted before I could rebuild the distributions and then forgot to do that. I just rebuilt them and uploaded the new files. :) Sorry for the delay!
As for a the "name your price" model, because this was a collaborative project for a jam, I don't feel right taking money for it (as I have no way to split it with the other collaborators), but I really appreciate that you'd even ask! :) I don't have a ko-fi, but I'm so glad you enjoyed the game enough to want to donate. That's so kind and I'm so grateful!
Aahh, thank you so much for playing and taking the time to let us know your thoughts! We're really happy you enjoyed the game. :) I'm not sure how involved putting it on Steam would be (I know some extra artwork would be involved for banners and icons), but I will look into it. Rest assured, it would be free there as well!
Oh, man, I didn't expect to be so smitten by Lucas.
The story is short, but it's rich and so well-written. So far, I only played Aeden and Lucas' routes, and I'll do Dragan's route soon.
My only "complaint" - which isn't actually a real complain, just a little wish I guess - is that you can't choose your gender and pronouns. I wish I had an option to play as male MC and customize him.
Normally I don't enjoy playing as female MC as I can't relate much, but I decided to check this game out as I was running out of romance games with male MCs... and I'm so glad I did. The setting and world building is amazing, and the romance was so sweet and built just at the right pace.
Aww, thank you so much for your sweet words! We're so happy you gave our game a shot even though it isn't your usual fare and we're even happier that you enjoyed it so much! :) And personally, I'm ecstatic that you were so smitten by Lucas. When I first started writing the script, I didn't have as much connection to his character as the others, but as the story progressed I wound up really falling for him, too! And I hope you will be able to enjoy Dragan's route as well. Again, thanks so much for playing and stopping by to leave us such a lovely comment!
Okay! Now that I've properly finished all of the routes, I can leave some (more) of my thoughts here. I've bothered the devs enough, so I'm going to keep this very succinct LOL but know that I would be writing paragraphs of praise if I wasn't avoiding being annoying. [Light spoilers!]
I love the art, it has a lovely charm to it and the backgrounds for faerie are all so colorful and unique, one of my favorite things about fae-related stories is seeing how every artist and their writers interpret faerie, and this is another of my favorites to add to the list. The sprites are beautiful, expressive, and quite varied! You don't usually see so many variations to the outfits and character designs, but Astora gets several lovely wardrobe changes.
The story itself is short and sweet, but I wouldn't call it simple. I was taking notes throughout each run, and I can go back and see certain points where I made specific connections that would come into play later, and it made the whole experience much more enjoyable. Each playthrough has a different facet and perspective, so you'll learn just a little more with each route.
The characters are all incredibly charming, not just the love interests. Pix is my BABY, and the triplets were very endearing with their picture-bargaining. F'liri is a dear. and I loved that Aeden gave us a little more insight into her personality (and relationship.) I adore Rhistel, even though he's a much quieter figure, I became very attached to him throughout the course of the game. He's like a grandpa.
And the romance, I wasn't at all prepared for just how smooth the dialogue would be. The banter was engaging and fun, very flirty in both playful and sensual ways depending on the characters. It was nice to see the range, because the writer absolutely killed it with the romantic buildup. There's a well-balanced blend of classic vampire/werewolf vibes without going too far into being a stereotype, though I admit internet culture has ruined the word 'alpha' for me, that's a personal problem LOL
There's so much nuance and strong characterization packed into the world and the cast, I feel like I got to learn so much about them all, and since not all of the information was given to me through text, but rather from inferring through body language and clues, it really gives the feeling that the setting is so much bigger than we get to see. There's a lot of depth, I think, that might be easy to overlook if you don't think there's anything deeper to find. There is.
I just want to start off saying that you cannot bother us enough! I really love reading everyone's comments and am happy to answer questions, explain certain choices, or just gush right along with you. Really, we're so happy you liked Evernight!
It's a huge compliment that you have added our version of faerie to your list of favorites. It was an interesting process to find our aesthetic, and I would love to explore more of the Night Realm (particularly the Nightmare Court) and even the other realms of Faerie someday. And I'm really glad you liked the sprites! I love outfit changes, haha! I might've gotten carried away, but it was honestly a very fun distraction for me to draw new ones.
I'm over the moon that you liked the writing, that you found the romance smooth and the characterization strong. And I'm really so blown away that you were taking notes! It amazes me and makes me so happy that someone else was that invested in the world and characters. I feel like you saw a depth to the story that I very much wanted to have there but, at times, wasn't sure I had achieved - or even could have achieved with how short of time I had to write the script and with how short the story had to be. And so to read that someone else has seen there was more in my head than made it on the page, more to the world than was directly pointed at - it's both so surprising and absolutely wonderful. My heart feels full!
I know I speak for all of us when I thank you so much for playing and for leaving such an amazing comment for us. And from me personally, thank you so much. I'm really grateful for your kind words. They've so encouraged me, and I'm excited to find my next project. :) When the time comes, I hope you will enjoy it, too!
And if you ever have any questions about the world or characters, I'd be happy to talk more with you about it!
I'm sorry in advance I will probably be commenting twice bc I'm in the middle of playing the game atm (I'm taking NOTES can u believe this) but I wanted to ask if you have any other social media that I could follow? I'm completely enamored with this project and would love to support others if possible!
Pfft, don't be sorry! We love reading everyone's comments. :) I saw you made a second one to share your thoughts on the game (super excited to read it, I can't believe you're taking notes, I'm so happy!), but I just wanted to respond to this one really quickly to say that the only social media I have is a twitter account, @frozenstardevs. I am pretty terrible with social media and so I rarely post on there unless I have news to share (also rare, haha), so I don't want you to be disappointed by my lack of engagement. >_< I really appreciate you wanting to support future projects though, and I absolutely want to make some! I will definitely post there when something new is in the oven and the timer's about to ding.
Just want to say, I think your writing is INCREDIBLE! I had such a good time exploring the world and characters. I really can't wait to see what you make in the future!! :D
Wow, thank you so much! You've really made my day with your kind words. :) I'm so glad you had fun with the world and the characters! Thank you for playing and I hope you enjoy whatever comes next!
I was not at all dissapointed in my excitement for this game (even if my ADHD made me take a break before coming back to it). I have completed Aeden's route now. He drew me in from the beginning because he's my type i guess, dark hair with striking eyes, fae, and hiding behind a rakish/dickish facade. Despite the front he puts up i love how fairly he treats the MC, showing early on that he sees her as and will treat her as an equal. Not something you necessarily expect from someone who is not only a prince but also fae. Even with how loving and sweet he is by the end, I still have to say the moment that was most touching for me was when he shared the fruit gift he received. In the moment it seemed almost absent minded and automatic, which makes it more powerful/moving. Without thinking about it he was showing that he views her as his equal, and he's willing to share all he has.
Aww, your sweet review of Aeden's route makes my heart melt! :) He was truly my favorite to write (I suppose he's also my type, haha). I actually struggled a little in the beginning because I knew what I wanted initially, but wasn't sure how it would play out, and he really surprised me through the course of writing the script. I love how it turned out and I'm really glad you enjoyed it, too! I hope you'll enjoy the other routes, too. Thank you again for playing and for taking the time to leave us your kind thoughts! We really appreciate it!
I wanted to wait until I completed all three routes before leaving a comment to make sure I got the full experience. Well, now I have and it's really exceeded all my expectations.
I mostly downloaded this because of the beautiful sprites (Aeden❤️ and MC especially) and it's about fairies🧚♂️. Even if it was just okay I was going to give it a try, but omg this was amazing! I loved getting to know the MC, the world, and all the other characters that inhabit it (Pix is such a great best friend!). The romances were all sweet and awesome in their own ways, and of course, I LOVE the romance, but I also loved how you portrayed Astora interacting with everyone in her world. From her best friend, Pix, to her grumpy but affectionate handmaid, the creatures of the forest, and even the Night Queen.
The story was so well written and really made me care about what was happening to the characters. A couple of the endings even had me tearing up.
I buy a lot of games like this and play even more, but this is one of the best I've encountered in a long time. I really enjoyed the whole experience, and I can't tell you how rare that is. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll make in the future.
You are incredibly kind, thank you so much for leaving such a sweet comment! We're all so grateful, and I am especially honored by how much you loved Astora, the world and lore, and all the characters. I'm so happy that a couple endings made you tear up, wow! :) I often feel the same way about games and books (not being able to fully enjoy them), and so it's a huge compliment that you were able to enjoy Evernight from beginning to end. Thank you again for taking the time to play and leave us your thoughts, and I really hope you will enjoy future games, too!
so so SO impressed by this game! especially for a jam game and a free game, this is just so top tier. I would love to see and pay for an updated version with more character sprites and/or CGs someday, but even as is it's so polished and lovely and immersive. I loved all the faerie friends, especially my bestie Pix, and I felt like you did a great job getting the player to care about the side characters in such a short amount of time. A lot of times in games and stories like these, I find the side characters are kind of shoved down my throat before I really get to know or understand them, so that was a welcome departure. And then Aeden is bae, obviously. Really really really fantastic game <3
Wow, thank you so much! This is such a kind comment and it means the world to us! I'm really happy to know that you felt the side characters were introduced naturally and that, despite the short time with them, you were able to care about them. I would absolutely love to someday add CGs and additional sprites! I had actually sketched out portraits for the Queen's maidens to make that breakfast scene less confusing but I didn't have time to finish them... Either way, I definitely would love to come back to this story. Thank you so much for playing and letting us know what you thought! <3
I have played more of these games than I can count. I had read though all that I knew where out, so I searched and found this. All I can say! I absolutely love the story. The art is beautiful, even the music is enchanting. This is now one of my favorites.
Aw, well thank you so much for playing and leaving such a sweet message. We are over the moon that Evernight is now one of your favorites, and happy that we could provide a world to get immersed in when you were feeling like you'd already been through the best ones! I've been there, and it's so nice to discover something unexpected that you can fall into. Thank you again for playing and for adoring Lucas! :)
Thank you so much! We're so glad you're enjoying the game. Aeden has been most everyone's favorite (mine as well, haha), but I hope you still enjoy the other routes! :)
Beautiful game, enjoyed playing it very much, and Aeden's story especially. Impressive writing and care taken on the lore for such a short development time. At one point I was second guessing the ending and who the true villain would turn out to be. Would love to see more dark fantasy romance from this dev team in the future, with more full length features like a CG gallery, etc. You nailed this genre and atmosphere.
Thank you so, so much, we're all so grateful for your kind words and I'm especially honored you feel I nailed the genre. I love dark fantasy and hope that I can make more games in the genre that are longer and have more features. I did have CGs planned for Evernight, but there was no time. Maybe someday in the future I'll add them! Thanks again for playing and for commenting! We really appreciate it. :)
I adore this game. For the first time, I found a bug. If you play Dragan's route and select playing the flute after you fall out of the tree, either I get stuck and can't advance if I just click like normal or I get an error message if I use skip. With the error message, I was able to ignore it and then continue on, so no harm done, but I thought you might like to know. Anyway, this game is fantastic. Thank you so much for making it!
Thank you so much for playing and your kind comments! And thank you for bringing this to my attention! What you might be experiencing is a hard-coded pause to prevent the text from advancing until the flute finishes playing. I only did it since it was in the text that she finishes playing, but you aren't the first person to feel like something was wrong. Perhaps I should take the pause out and let players click to advance so it isn't so alarming when it seems to freeze... I have never seen it error out while skipping though, so I will investigate this for sure. Thank you again, and I'm really so happy you love the game! :)
Oh, that makes sense! I don't usually play games with sound turned on, so I didn't realize that it was a pause. Woops! I was just so confused, since he was standing there blinking at me. Thanks for the explanation!
I can definitely see how that would be confusing! :) Thanks for letting me know, though. When I update the game, I will either take this pause out or try to make it clearer in the text what's happening.
Thank you so much for playing and for leaving us such a wonderful comment! We never get tired of hearing when people enjoy the game. We're so glad that you liked it!!
The game was so good! I'm in love with both Astora and Aeden. Astora was a fun mc to play and definitely a memorable one for me. All the love interests are sweet, but Aeden simply has my heart in his clutches. Overall, this was a very lovely game to play
Aww, thank you so much! We're so happy you enjoyed it, and appreciate you leaving up such a nice comment! :) I know MCs can sometimes be difficult to connect with, so I'm thrilled you loved Astora! I'm so happy you loved Aeden, too. He wound up being my favorite as well (don't tell the others!). <3
Otome fans will love this game. The quality surpasses many other games of the same genre. The writing is polished (I noticed only a few typos), the art is nice (the colours give it such a calm yet mysterious nighttime feel), and the music is lovely and atmospheric.
For me, it was too otome, so I played through only Aedan's route. I prefer games where the romance takes the back seat and lets the story drive. I felt nothing really happened, except the romance, until the 5th or even the 6th day. And there was a bit too much blushing, tingling, sighing and flirting for me. But this is absolutely a matter of taste, and as I said, true otome fans can't go wrong with this one. :)
SPOILER Honestly, I thought it would have been amazing if Aedan had turned out to be the evil one instead of Night Queen. I'm weird like that, lol.
Thanks for leaving such a sweet review even though the game wasn't your cup of tea! I understand your position completely. Though I love lots of romance, I do usually like to write stories that are more plot-driven as well. For this project, we made the entire game in two months for otome jam, and the whole idea was conceived and an outline written up in the two weeks before the jam started. But as these things go, it did take on a life of its own! I had several exciting plot events I wanted to include, but it was a matter of time and assets, and so the story became more straight-forward. Maybe next time! Anyway, thank you for playing and, even though it isn't your speed, for giving us a recommendation! We really appreciate it! :)
Oh yeah, I forgot this was made for a jam! ... Which only makes it more impressive! I will definitely keep an eye on your projects. I'd love to see what you could do without the time constraints and with a more plot-driven story. :)
(I know exactly what you mean about writing a story and having it become 50,000 words longer and infinitely more complicated than expected, lol!)
Thank you! Hopefully someday something will crop up that will be more your speed. And yes, stories can really get out of hand sometimes - and it's been my experience that it's usually the best for my narrative, but never for my deadlines! :P
i really enjoy this game, the story and the characters (Aeden <3). I recommended this game and i hope we will have anothers chapters. For those who love faeries, vampires and werewolves, just try it !
We're so glad you enjoyed Evernight (Aeden <3)! I do hope to be able to expand upon this game someday, and I hope you'll enjoy it if and when we do. Thank you so much for playing and leaving us such kind words!
It is AS wonderful that I really want to "dispense you a coffee" ... but how? If I download the game I don't get the usual stuff like "name your price or get it for free".
Aww, thank you so much! That's so incredibly kind of you! I turned off donations because this was a group project made for otome jam. I didn't feel right accepting donations without sharing them with my team, but it seemed complicated to try. But I appreciate the sentiment and I'm so glad you loved Evernight so much that you'd want to buy us a coffee! <3
This story novel is so well done, have sutch beautiful artwork, is so hight standard that I would pay (no Abo please) some money to get a longer Story Novel like this. Especially: "Ever Night" does not drag you down, it comes even with a walkthrough. It makes you feel good!
I'm so flattered that you consider the quality so high! We truly tried out best to make it as good as we could! And I'm so glad that it made you feel good! I would love to have made it longer, and maybe sometime down the road there will be more stories to tell. :) I definitely plan to continue making games, and hopefully they will be enjoyable stories as well.
Each year as I explore the entries for Otome Jam I expect to find one (and sometimes, several) gems, and this is it for me.
The writing, the design, the romance and the lore, everything is amazing. I can feel the love and time that was put into it, thank you so much for your work!
I loved all 3 routes, with Aeden as my favorite. I'd be curious to know what is real name is :).
Best character goes to Astora. Her boldness, bravery and level-headedness is everything I love in a main character.
This has been added to my list of comfort games, thank you so much <3
Aw, this is such a huge compliment and I'm so happy! That this is the otome jam gem for you is truly an honor and we are all so grateful that you enjoyed it! I'm especially glad that you liked Astora so much. It can be tricky finding the right balance in an MC so that she stands on her on, isn't too polarizing, but also someone the player can connect with and feels they have agency with, so knowing that you rate her best character just really put a huge smile on my face. :) Thank you so much for playing and for your warm, kind comments!
I loved everything about this. The world-building and lore, writing, art, music... it all comes together seamlessly to form a deeply romantic story. I love the way the narrative varies enough to keep things interesting on each route and the romance builds believably with each of the LIs. You managed to tell a story about the fae while keeping it both wondrous and dark-- my favorite kind of faerie story.
Thank you so much for playing Evernight and especially for taking the time to leave us such super sweet comments! :) We are so happy you enjoyed your experience and that you found the world and the story satisfying. I also love my faerie stories to be dark and wondrous! This was my first time writing anything like it, though, so I'm really glad that it hit the mark for you! :)
AMAZING! Let me just say that I havent felt this way about a VN since Ebon light. I have played tons of VN's but this one just gives me those ebon light feels. Like you're in a whole other world! The world building is just superb in Evernight. It is immersive and makes you feel like you are literally living in another realm. I love the MC's relationships and interactions with the faeries. The three troublemakers were especially cute! The writing is so good and the story pulls you in at every turn! I could not stop reading and had to do all the routes one after the next with no break in between! The love interests were very unique and there were aspects of their personalities that I did not expect. They were not predictable at all and I loved that!
I played Dragan first. I adored his route. He was so stoic and had a lot of self control. Ever the gentleman but also fierce and beautiful. I love the connection that the MC had with him. It was great!
I did Aeden's route next. His route was unexpected and interesting. His personality was nothing like I thought it would be. I loved finding out about his story and the ending was just amazing, like a fairy tale indeed!
Lastly, I played Lucas's route. He was the kindest of all three and so considerate! Such a sweet and gentle personality for a werewolf. Funny and handsome! What a combo! I really enjoyed his route as well. In fact I enjoyed all three routes in the game. Its rare to find a VN where all the love interests are amazing and I cannot pick a favourite!
P.S. I love that they used Irish as Faerie language. :)
Aaahhhh, wow, I adore Ebon Light so, so much, so this is such a huge compliment for me! Thank you so much! We are all so thrilled that you enjoyed the game, and I'm honored that you loved the story and that it had such a pull and an impact for you. That you can't pick a favorite between all three routes is amazing and I'm so glad you enjoyed our game! :) Thank you for playing and for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful and sweet comment!
Well, the team and I had talked about coming back after we took a break (those two months were hectic!) to make a DLC, which would do exactly that: show Astora's life after. I can't guarantee a timeframe or make any promises, really, but I have loosely sketched out what each route would look like. :)
Yes! There's only two endings for each route, a good and a bad. In the downloads section, there is a guide that goes through the right choice to reach the good ending, and includes all the choices for extra lines. :)
This was so amazing, oh my goodness!!! >o< I hope everyone is talking about this and sharing it.~ So amazing and magical!!
I am excited to go back to replay other routes, but I kinda feel bad about it- I'm so attached to the story I got the first time. <3 Haha, I knew I should've saved the fae prince for last. ;)
Wow, thank you so much for your kind words! We are so happy you are enjoying the game! :) I completely understand your situation, though. There's always that one route that feels like your canon and playing the others is almost a betrayal! Still, I hope the others are at least entertaining and that you can continue to love the game and the characters! :)
It was for a jam so with many limitations but the story is great with many twists, almost like a thriller sometime, the art is more than pleasing on the eye and the possibility to cutomize our MC is really nice, and the characters are so engaging. I loved all the faeriess. Even the queen. Pix is my number one still, a certain dreamer advisor is also close.
To be able to make a completed game of such quality in a short period actually put the line very high for others participants. (You even made a mini guide, how cute is that ?!)
So... Who is ready for a little journey in the Night Realm ? Come on people !
Thank you thank you thank you! :) Your comment is so kind, it's really warmed my heart! We so appreciate you taking the time to share with us your thoughts, and we're over the moon that you enjoyed it! It was an intense couple of months but knowing that people are falling in love with the characters and the world makes it all worth it. Thank you so much for playing!
This is a gem! I've only played through one route (Lucas) so far, but still wanted to say how much I have enjoyed it and am looking forward to playing the others. Also, fearless Pix and that delightful trio stole my heart! <3 Thank you and well done!
Aww, it's so nice to hear that Pix and the trio captured your heart, and we're all so happy that you enjoyed Lucas' route! We hope you find the others just as fun. Thank you so much for playing and for your kind words! :)
At this point I'm just echoing the general consensus...but this game is just absolutely wonderful. I'm awed at how much hard work and thought went into Evernight! It is beyond entertaining and I am so happy I happened upon it!
Thank you so much! We are so happy you happened upon our game, too, that you gave it a chance, and that you enjoyed it! And thank you for stopping in to let us know. :) Every comment is so appreciated!
I'm struggling to find words. Like actual coherent words to create an intelligible sentence that explains how much I enjoyed this game. I only finished one of the routes (Lucas) and now I have to go to work and pretend I'm not screaming on the inside. Amazing work 😊
Thank you so, so much! Your kind words have really brightened up my day! :) We are so happy that you enjoyed the Lucas route and we hope you have fun with the others as well!
I love this game we can customize our MC, the premise of story is interesting, and the graphic is beautiful. This game is truly masterpiece I still wonder how come this game is free. Congrats on the release I have no complain the game is perfect and more perfect again u are really generous to provide a guide for us, u are lovely thanks for sharing this amazing game ☺💜❤
Everything is perfection! I love the world, the writing, the music and the art! The subtle changes for the sprites and adored Astora's outfits, especially the final ones in each route. The BG's were simple and beautiful in their own way too, with just enough detail to add to the story but not too much to detract from the sprites or what was happening. The guide was helpful too so thank you!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! "Perfection" has us jumping for joy!! We so appreciate you playing our game and we're so happy that you enjoyed it!
the game was an absolute joy to play! I enjoyed all the routes though admittedly i am biased towards the Prince haha. The story was short yet sweet and full of amazing characters that i feel sad I could never meet again. I actually loved Astora quite a lot and enjoyed her wittiness and all the responses we can choose for her as well. The outfits of course were also stunning and I admittedly spent too much time admiring her every outfit.
All in all, I would definitely play this game again and would recommend it to friends for a good story and fun characters.
We're over the moon that you enjoyed the game! I'm really happy that you will miss the characters, and especially thrilled that you enjoyed Astora (and her outfits)! Thank you so much for playing and for your sweet comments!
Thank you so much! We're so glad you enjoyed it and fell in love with Aeden! That you want to know more about the universe makes my heart so full. :) I wanted to add in a compendium originally so anyone who was interested could learn more about the world but cut it to save time. Maybe someday I can add it back in there (or just create more games in this world, haha)!
I absolutely want to make more games in this world. I have already jotted down some ideas to explore the vampire lore, the witchwood, definitely more of the realms of Faery...
← Return to game
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my god... what an absolute GEM.. im not okay.. these feelings inside my heart UGH
this game was absolutely beautiful, STUNNING. And the art!!! 10000/10. Will replay again 2532435 times
Aww, I hope the feelings are all good. Sending hugs! :) We're so happy you enjoyed it, and are honestly so flattered that you loved it enough to want to replay. Thank you so much for giving our game a chance and for taking the time to let us know how you felt about it! Your kind words mean the world to us!
than you guys for making this gem!
Ok, I played this a bit ago but forgot to comment, so now is the time! At first I was only really interested in Aeden, but the common route/prologue (to my surprise) made me interested in all the LIs. Well done with that!
So far I've played Aeden's route and Lucas. And I love Aeden. He is wonderful (and beautiful). I enjoy their banter and dynamics.
Also the art is gorgeous!! I often found myself just admiring the MC. She is so beautiful. Thank you for making her customizable!
The backgrounds are also really beautiful, though definitely a different style, I think it works very well.
The characters sprites are all really pretty, including the background characters.
I can't really believe this game was made in only two months (?!?). It is fantastic, really incredible job!!!
Thank you so, so much for your kind words. Your comment really made my day! I know how you feel when you only initially find one LI interesting, so it's such a huge compliment that the prologue made you interested in all three of them! I'm so glad you love Aeden - I had a lot of fun writing him! And it really warms my heart how much you love the artwork, especially the MC. I've only drawn sprites once before, but they never saw the light of day, and this was my first time attempting expressions, so I'm really happy that you liked it so much! I really love games where you can have a customizable protagonist, so it was important to me to try (and drawing all her outfits was honestly just fun, haha).
Some days, I'm still shocked we made it in two months! It was such a blur, but I'm really proud of what we accomplished. And I'm just so happy that so many people have enjoyed it. Thank you for playing and for stopping by to let us know your thoughts! :) We appreciate it so very much!
I love this game so much. May edit cause words not wording about it atm, but I come back sometimes and replay my fav route (Aeden's) so thank you!
Oh my gosh, that's such a huge compliment! I'm so honored that you love the game enough to come back and replay it. Thank you so much for your kind words. They really made my day! :)
Just finished Aeden's route in one go and just WOW. Can't wait to finish all the others. (Also, useless sidenote, but the guy I just got over irl has the same name, with a slight spelling change, which spooked me a bit LOL.)
Heh, wow, what a coincidence! It's always so spooky when that sort of thing happens, but I'm glad it didn't turn you off to playing his route. :) I'm happy you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the others as well! Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to let us know what you think!
Haha nothing could turn me off of Aeden's gorg sprite & witty remarks!! literally one of the most beautiful 2d men i've had the pleasure of romancing. You're vv much welcome and I'll try to leave a more nuanced review when I finish it fully <3
Hi! I still love this game. This is just a little bug report. During Aeden's route when they are first sitting on the throne together, I get the error message:
"Image 'aededn hooded' not found."
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for letting me know! I tracked it down and fixed it, and I'll upload the corrected version soon. Thanks again, and please let me know if you find any other issues! :)
I ran across this same bug (in the Waxing Gibbous chapter). I downloaded the game just a few days ago so I guess you haven't had time to fix it yet?
Anyway I had mostly come back to this page because I thought it was a "name your price" model, and maybe I'm just blind, but I'm not seeing it... Do you have a Ko-fi or something instead?
You know what? I fixed it that day, but I got distracted before I could rebuild the distributions and then forgot to do that. I just rebuilt them and uploaded the new files. :) Sorry for the delay!
As for a the "name your price" model, because this was a collaborative project for a jam, I don't feel right taking money for it (as I have no way to split it with the other collaborators), but I really appreciate that you'd even ask! :) I don't have a ko-fi, but I'm so glad you enjoyed the game enough to want to donate. That's so kind and I'm so grateful!
How did I miss this? I really enjoyed the story and the characters! I wish the game was available on steam, I would love to buy it there.
Thank you for your hard work!
Aahh, thank you so much for playing and taking the time to let us know your thoughts! We're really happy you enjoyed the game. :) I'm not sure how involved putting it on Steam would be (I know some extra artwork would be involved for banners and icons), but I will look into it. Rest assured, it would be free there as well!
Oh, man, I didn't expect to be so smitten by Lucas.
The story is short, but it's rich and so well-written. So far, I only played Aeden and Lucas' routes, and I'll do Dragan's route soon.
My only "complaint" - which isn't actually a real complain, just a little wish I guess - is that you can't choose your gender and pronouns. I wish I had an option to play as male MC and customize him.
Normally I don't enjoy playing as female MC as I can't relate much, but I decided to check this game out as I was running out of romance games with male MCs... and I'm so glad I did. The setting and world building is amazing, and the romance was so sweet and built just at the right pace.
Aww, thank you so much for your sweet words! We're so happy you gave our game a shot even though it isn't your usual fare and we're even happier that you enjoyed it so much! :) And personally, I'm ecstatic that you were so smitten by Lucas. When I first started writing the script, I didn't have as much connection to his character as the others, but as the story progressed I wound up really falling for him, too! And I hope you will be able to enjoy Dragan's route as well. Again, thanks so much for playing and stopping by to leave us such a lovely comment!
Okay! Now that I've properly finished all of the routes, I can leave some (more) of my thoughts here. I've bothered the devs enough, so I'm going to keep this very succinct LOL but know that I would be writing paragraphs of praise if I wasn't avoiding being annoying. [Light spoilers!]
I love the art, it has a lovely charm to it and the backgrounds for faerie are all so colorful and unique, one of my favorite things about fae-related stories is seeing how every artist and their writers interpret faerie, and this is another of my favorites to add to the list. The sprites are beautiful, expressive, and quite varied! You don't usually see so many variations to the outfits and character designs, but Astora gets several lovely wardrobe changes.
The story itself is short and sweet, but I wouldn't call it simple. I was taking notes throughout each run, and I can go back and see certain points where I made specific connections that would come into play later, and it made the whole experience much more enjoyable. Each playthrough has a different facet and perspective, so you'll learn just a little more with each route.
The characters are all incredibly charming, not just the love interests. Pix is my BABY, and the triplets were very endearing with their picture-bargaining. F'liri is a dear. and I loved that Aeden gave us a little more insight into her personality (and relationship.) I adore Rhistel, even though he's a much quieter figure, I became very attached to him throughout the course of the game. He's like a grandpa.
And the romance, I wasn't at all prepared for just how smooth the dialogue would be. The banter was engaging and fun, very flirty in both playful and sensual ways depending on the characters. It was nice to see the range, because the writer absolutely killed it with the romantic buildup. There's a well-balanced blend of classic vampire/werewolf vibes without going too far into being a stereotype, though I admit internet culture has ruined the word 'alpha' for me, that's a personal problem LOL
There's so much nuance and strong characterization packed into the world and the cast, I feel like I got to learn so much about them all, and since not all of the information was given to me through text, but rather from inferring through body language and clues, it really gives the feeling that the setting is so much bigger than we get to see. There's a lot of depth, I think, that might be easy to overlook if you don't think there's anything deeper to find. There is.
Overall, a beautifully done story.
I just want to start off saying that you cannot bother us enough! I really love reading everyone's comments and am happy to answer questions, explain certain choices, or just gush right along with you. Really, we're so happy you liked Evernight!
It's a huge compliment that you have added our version of faerie to your list of favorites. It was an interesting process to find our aesthetic, and I would love to explore more of the Night Realm (particularly the Nightmare Court) and even the other realms of Faerie someday. And I'm really glad you liked the sprites! I love outfit changes, haha! I might've gotten carried away, but it was honestly a very fun distraction for me to draw new ones.
I'm over the moon that you liked the writing, that you found the romance smooth and the characterization strong. And I'm really so blown away that you were taking notes! It amazes me and makes me so happy that someone else was that invested in the world and characters. I feel like you saw a depth to the story that I very much wanted to have there but, at times, wasn't sure I had achieved - or even could have achieved with how short of time I had to write the script and with how short the story had to be. And so to read that someone else has seen there was more in my head than made it on the page, more to the world than was directly pointed at - it's both so surprising and absolutely wonderful. My heart feels full!
I know I speak for all of us when I thank you so much for playing and for leaving such an amazing comment for us. And from me personally, thank you so much. I'm really grateful for your kind words. They've so encouraged me, and I'm excited to find my next project. :) When the time comes, I hope you will enjoy it, too!
And if you ever have any questions about the world or characters, I'd be happy to talk more with you about it!
I'm sorry in advance I will probably be commenting twice bc I'm in the middle of playing the game atm (I'm taking NOTES can u believe this) but I wanted to ask if you have any other social media that I could follow? I'm completely enamored with this project and would love to support others if possible!
Pfft, don't be sorry! We love reading everyone's comments. :) I saw you made a second one to share your thoughts on the game (super excited to read it, I can't believe you're taking notes, I'm so happy!), but I just wanted to respond to this one really quickly to say that the only social media I have is a twitter account, @frozenstardevs. I am pretty terrible with social media and so I rarely post on there unless I have news to share (also rare, haha), so I don't want you to be disappointed by my lack of engagement. >_< I really appreciate you wanting to support future projects though, and I absolutely want to make some! I will definitely post there when something new is in the oven and the timer's about to ding.
Just want to say, I think your writing is INCREDIBLE! I had such a good time exploring the world and characters. I really can't wait to see what you make in the future!! :D
Wow, thank you so much! You've really made my day with your kind words. :) I'm so glad you had fun with the world and the characters! Thank you for playing and I hope you enjoy whatever comes next!
hi :) how do I get dragan's good endings?
During the final confrontation with him, choose "I trust you" to get his good end. :)
I was not at all dissapointed in my excitement for this game (even if my ADHD made me take a break before coming back to it). I have completed Aeden's route now. He drew me in from the beginning because he's my type i guess, dark hair with striking eyes, fae, and hiding behind a rakish/dickish facade. Despite the front he puts up i love how fairly he treats the MC, showing early on that he sees her as and will treat her as an equal. Not something you necessarily expect from someone who is not only a prince but also fae. Even with how loving and sweet he is by the end, I still have to say the moment that was most touching for me was when he shared the fruit gift he received. In the moment it seemed almost absent minded and automatic, which makes it more powerful/moving. Without thinking about it he was showing that he views her as his equal, and he's willing to share all he has.
Of to play Dragan's route next.
Aww, your sweet review of Aeden's route makes my heart melt! :) He was truly my favorite to write (I suppose he's also my type, haha). I actually struggled a little in the beginning because I knew what I wanted initially, but wasn't sure how it would play out, and he really surprised me through the course of writing the script. I love how it turned out and I'm really glad you enjoyed it, too! I hope you'll enjoy the other routes, too. Thank you again for playing and for taking the time to leave us your kind thoughts! We really appreciate it!
I wanted to wait until I completed all three routes before leaving a comment to make sure I got the full experience. Well, now I have and it's really exceeded all my expectations.
I mostly downloaded this because of the beautiful sprites (Aeden❤️ and MC especially) and it's about fairies🧚♂️. Even if it was just okay I was going to give it a try, but omg this was amazing! I loved getting to know the MC, the world, and all the other characters that inhabit it (Pix is such a great best friend!). The romances were all sweet and awesome in their own ways, and of course, I LOVE the romance, but I also loved how you portrayed Astora interacting with everyone in her world. From her best friend, Pix, to her grumpy but affectionate handmaid, the creatures of the forest, and even the Night Queen.
The story was so well written and really made me care about what was happening to the characters. A couple of the endings even had me tearing up.
I buy a lot of games like this and play even more, but this is one of the best I've encountered in a long time. I really enjoyed the whole experience, and I can't tell you how rare that is. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll make in the future.
Thank you for sharing this awesome game!❤️
You are incredibly kind, thank you so much for leaving such a sweet comment! We're all so grateful, and I am especially honored by how much you loved Astora, the world and lore, and all the characters. I'm so happy that a couple endings made you tear up, wow! :) I often feel the same way about games and books (not being able to fully enjoy them), and so it's a huge compliment that you were able to enjoy Evernight from beginning to end. Thank you again for taking the time to play and leave us your thoughts, and I really hope you will enjoy future games, too!
so so SO impressed by this game! especially for a jam game and a free game, this is just so top tier. I would love to see and pay for an updated version with more character sprites and/or CGs someday, but even as is it's so polished and lovely and immersive. I loved all the faerie friends, especially my bestie Pix, and I felt like you did a great job getting the player to care about the side characters in such a short amount of time. A lot of times in games and stories like these, I find the side characters are kind of shoved down my throat before I really get to know or understand them, so that was a welcome departure. And then Aeden is bae, obviously. Really really really fantastic game <3
Wow, thank you so much! This is such a kind comment and it means the world to us! I'm really happy to know that you felt the side characters were introduced naturally and that, despite the short time with them, you were able to care about them. I would absolutely love to someday add CGs and additional sprites! I had actually sketched out portraits for the Queen's maidens to make that breakfast scene less confusing but I didn't have time to finish them... Either way, I definitely would love to come back to this story. Thank you so much for playing and letting us know what you thought! <3
I have played more of these games than I can count. I had read though all that I knew where out, so I searched and found this. All I can say! I absolutely love the story. The art is beautiful, even the music is enchanting. This is now one of my favorites.
I adored Lucas!
Thank you for sharing your hard work!
Aw, well thank you so much for playing and leaving such a sweet message. We are over the moon that Evernight is now one of your favorites, and happy that we could provide a world to get immersed in when you were feeling like you'd already been through the best ones! I've been there, and it's so nice to discover something unexpected that you can fall into. Thank you again for playing and for adoring Lucas! :)
This game is truly amazing! Love Aeden so much. I'm so excited to try other routes.
Thank you so much! We're so glad you're enjoying the game. Aeden has been most everyone's favorite (mine as well, haha), but I hope you still enjoy the other routes! :)
Beautiful game, enjoyed playing it very much, and Aeden's story especially. Impressive writing and care taken on the lore for such a short development time. At one point I was second guessing the ending and who the true villain would turn out to be. Would love to see more dark fantasy romance from this dev team in the future, with more full length features like a CG gallery, etc. You nailed this genre and atmosphere.
Thank you so, so much, we're all so grateful for your kind words and I'm especially honored you feel I nailed the genre. I love dark fantasy and hope that I can make more games in the genre that are longer and have more features. I did have CGs planned for Evernight, but there was no time. Maybe someday in the future I'll add them! Thanks again for playing and for commenting! We really appreciate it. :)
I adore this game. For the first time, I found a bug. If you play Dragan's route and select playing the flute after you fall out of the tree, either I get stuck and can't advance if I just click like normal or I get an error message if I use skip. With the error message, I was able to ignore it and then continue on, so no harm done, but I thought you might like to know. Anyway, this game is fantastic. Thank you so much for making it!
Thank you so much for playing and your kind comments! And thank you for bringing this to my attention! What you might be experiencing is a hard-coded pause to prevent the text from advancing until the flute finishes playing. I only did it since it was in the text that she finishes playing, but you aren't the first person to feel like something was wrong. Perhaps I should take the pause out and let players click to advance so it isn't so alarming when it seems to freeze... I have never seen it error out while skipping though, so I will investigate this for sure. Thank you again, and I'm really so happy you love the game! :)
Oh, that makes sense! I don't usually play games with sound turned on, so I didn't realize that it was a pause. Woops! I was just so confused, since he was standing there blinking at me. Thanks for the explanation!
I can definitely see how that would be confusing! :) Thanks for letting me know, though. When I update the game, I will either take this pause out or try to make it clearer in the text what's happening.
Awesome! Thank you!
You must be aware by this point that this is a stunning work of art 🫡🤍. I still want to say it though.
Everything about it was fantastic, from the story to the characters to the feelings at the end...
Oh, and the ROs are all quite alluring...possibly a lot 🌝 ✨. I'm not complaining...
Thank you so much for playing and for leaving us such a wonderful comment! We never get tired of hearing when people enjoy the game. We're so glad that you liked it!!
The game was so good! I'm in love with both Astora and Aeden. Astora was a fun mc to play and definitely a memorable one for me. All the love interests are sweet, but Aeden simply has my heart in his clutches. Overall, this was a very lovely game to play
Aww, thank you so much! We're so happy you enjoyed it, and appreciate you leaving up such a nice comment! :) I know MCs can sometimes be difficult to connect with, so I'm thrilled you loved Astora! I'm so happy you loved Aeden, too. He wound up being my favorite as well (don't tell the others!). <3
Installing now, this looks really good and i saw a few creator's i follow give it really good reviews so I'm excited.
Thanks for giving our game a try and we hope you enjoy it!! :)
Otome fans will love this game. The quality surpasses many other games of the same genre. The writing is polished (I noticed only a few typos), the art is nice (the colours give it such a calm yet mysterious nighttime feel), and the music is lovely and atmospheric.
For me, it was too otome, so I played through only Aedan's route. I prefer games where the romance takes the back seat and lets the story drive. I felt nothing really happened, except the romance, until the 5th or even the 6th day. And there was a bit too much blushing, tingling, sighing and flirting for me. But this is absolutely a matter of taste, and as I said, true otome fans can't go wrong with this one. :)
Honestly, I thought it would have been amazing if Aedan had turned out to be the evil one instead of Night Queen. I'm weird like that, lol.
Thanks for leaving such a sweet review even though the game wasn't your cup of tea! I understand your position completely. Though I love lots of romance, I do usually like to write stories that are more plot-driven as well. For this project, we made the entire game in two months for otome jam, and the whole idea was conceived and an outline written up in the two weeks before the jam started. But as these things go, it did take on a life of its own! I had several exciting plot events I wanted to include, but it was a matter of time and assets, and so the story became more straight-forward. Maybe next time! Anyway, thank you for playing and, even though it isn't your speed, for giving us a recommendation! We really appreciate it! :)
Oh yeah, I forgot this was made for a jam! ... Which only makes it more impressive! I will definitely keep an eye on your projects. I'd love to see what you could do without the time constraints and with a more plot-driven story. :)
(I know exactly what you mean about writing a story and having it become 50,000 words longer and infinitely more complicated than expected, lol!)
Thank you! Hopefully someday something will crop up that will be more your speed. And yes, stories can really get out of hand sometimes - and it's been my experience that it's usually the best for my narrative, but never for my deadlines! :P
i really enjoy this game, the story and the characters (Aeden <3). I recommended this game and i hope we will have anothers chapters. For those who love faeries, vampires and werewolves, just try it !
We're so glad you enjoyed Evernight (Aeden <3)! I do hope to be able to expand upon this game someday, and I hope you'll enjoy it if and when we do. Thank you so much for playing and leaving us such kind words!
I love this game, it is beautiful.
It is AS wonderful that I really want to "dispense you a coffee" ... but how? If I download the game I don't get the usual stuff like "name your price or get it for free".
Aww, thank you so much! That's so incredibly kind of you! I turned off donations because this was a group project made for otome jam. I didn't feel right accepting donations without sharing them with my team, but it seemed complicated to try. But I appreciate the sentiment and I'm so glad you loved Evernight so much that you'd want to buy us a coffee! <3
This story novel is so well done, have sutch beautiful artwork, is so hight standard that I would pay (no Abo please) some money to get a longer Story Novel like this. Especially: "Ever Night" does not drag you down, it comes even with a walkthrough. It makes you feel good!
I'm so flattered that you consider the quality so high! We truly tried out best to make it as good as we could! And I'm so glad that it made you feel good! I would love to have made it longer, and maybe sometime down the road there will be more stories to tell. :) I definitely plan to continue making games, and hopefully they will be enjoyable stories as well.
i loved playing this so much! thanks for a great game <3
Thank you so much for playing! We're so happy you enjoyed it!
This is a fantastic game.
Each year as I explore the entries for Otome Jam I expect to find one (and sometimes, several) gems, and this is it for me.
The writing, the design, the romance and the lore, everything is amazing. I can feel the love and time that was put into it, thank you so much for your work!
I loved all 3 routes, with Aeden as my favorite. I'd be curious to know what is real name is :).
Best character goes to Astora. Her boldness, bravery and level-headedness is everything I love in a main character.
This has been added to my list of comfort games, thank you so much <3
Aw, this is such a huge compliment and I'm so happy! That this is the otome jam gem for you is truly an honor and we are all so grateful that you enjoyed it! I'm especially glad that you liked Astora so much. It can be tricky finding the right balance in an MC so that she stands on her on, isn't too polarizing, but also someone the player can connect with and feels they have agency with, so knowing that you rate her best character just really put a huge smile on my face. :) Thank you so much for playing and for your warm, kind comments!
I loved everything about this. The world-building and lore, writing, art, music... it all comes together seamlessly to form a deeply romantic story. I love the way the narrative varies enough to keep things interesting on each route and the romance builds believably with each of the LIs. You managed to tell a story about the fae while keeping it both wondrous and dark-- my favorite kind of faerie story.
Thank you so much for playing Evernight and especially for taking the time to leave us such super sweet comments! :) We are so happy you enjoyed your experience and that you found the world and the story satisfying. I also love my faerie stories to be dark and wondrous! This was my first time writing anything like it, though, so I'm really glad that it hit the mark for you! :)
Fascinating story from beginning to the end. The lore of the faerie world and their inhabitants is very interesting in this VN.
Thank you so much! :) We really appreciate you playing our game and stopping in to let us know what you thought!
AMAZING! Let me just say that I havent felt this way about a VN since Ebon light. I have played tons of VN's but this one just gives me those ebon light feels. Like you're in a whole other world! The world building is just superb in Evernight. It is immersive and makes you feel like you are literally living in another realm. I love the MC's relationships and interactions with the faeries. The three troublemakers were especially cute! The writing is so good and the story pulls you in at every turn! I could not stop reading and had to do all the routes one after the next with no break in between! The love interests were very unique and there were aspects of their personalities that I did not expect. They were not predictable at all and I loved that!
I played Dragan first. I adored his route. He was so stoic and had a lot of self control. Ever the gentleman but also fierce and beautiful. I love the connection that the MC had with him. It was great!
I did Aeden's route next. His route was unexpected and interesting. His personality was nothing like I thought it would be. I loved finding out about his story and the ending was just amazing, like a fairy tale indeed!
Lastly, I played Lucas's route. He was the kindest of all three and so considerate! Such a sweet and gentle personality for a werewolf. Funny and handsome! What a combo! I really enjoyed his route as well. In fact I enjoyed all three routes in the game. Its rare to find a VN where all the love interests are amazing and I cannot pick a favourite!
P.S. I love that they used Irish as Faerie language. :)
Aaahhhh, wow, I adore Ebon Light so, so much, so this is such a huge compliment for me! Thank you so much! We are all so thrilled that you enjoyed the game, and I'm honored that you loved the story and that it had such a pull and an impact for you. That you can't pick a favorite between all three routes is amazing and I'm so glad you enjoyed our game! :) Thank you for playing and for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful and sweet comment!
Will there be a part two? A continuation of the MC's life after the whole ordeal? I can only hope!
Well, the team and I had talked about coming back after we took a break (those two months were hectic!) to make a DLC, which would do exactly that: show Astora's life after. I can't guarantee a timeframe or make any promises, really, but I have loosely sketched out what each route would look like. :)
is there a walkthrough for this game's endings?
Yes! There's only two endings for each route, a good and a bad. In the downloads section, there is a guide that goes through the right choice to reach the good ending, and includes all the choices for extra lines. :)
This was so amazing, oh my goodness!!! >o< I hope everyone is talking about this and sharing it.~ So amazing and magical!!
I am excited to go back to replay other routes, but I kinda feel bad about it- I'm so attached to the story I got the first time. <3 Haha, I knew I should've saved the fae prince for last. ;)
And geez, all the characters, my heart.... <3 <3
Wow, thank you so much for your kind words! We are so happy you are enjoying the game! :) I completely understand your situation, though. There's always that one route that feels like your canon and playing the others is almost a betrayal! Still, I hope the others are at least entertaining and that you can continue to love the game and the characters! :)
I'm really impressed by the game you created.
It was for a jam so with many limitations but the story is great with many twists, almost like a thriller sometime, the art is more than pleasing on the eye and the possibility to cutomize our MC is really nice, and the characters are so engaging. I loved all the faeriess. Even the queen. Pix is my number one still, a certain dreamer advisor is also close.
To be able to make a completed game of such quality in a short period actually put the line very high for others participants. (You even made a mini guide, how cute is that ?!)
So... Who is ready for a little journey in the Night Realm ? Come on people !
Thank you thank you thank you! :) Your comment is so kind, it's really warmed my heart! We so appreciate you taking the time to share with us your thoughts, and we're over the moon that you enjoyed it! It was an intense couple of months but knowing that people are falling in love with the characters and the world makes it all worth it. Thank you so much for playing!
This is a gem! I've only played through one route (Lucas) so far, but still wanted to say how much I have enjoyed it and am looking forward to playing the others. Also, fearless Pix and that delightful trio stole my heart! <3 Thank you and well done!
Aww, it's so nice to hear that Pix and the trio captured your heart, and we're all so happy that you enjoyed Lucas' route! We hope you find the others just as fun. Thank you so much for playing and for your kind words! :)
At this point I'm just echoing the general consensus...but this game is just absolutely wonderful. I'm awed at how much hard work and thought went into Evernight! It is beyond entertaining and I am so happy I happened upon it!
Thank you so much! We are so happy you happened upon our game, too, that you gave it a chance, and that you enjoyed it! And thank you for stopping in to let us know. :) Every comment is so appreciated!
I'm struggling to find words. Like actual coherent words to create an intelligible sentence that explains how much I enjoyed this game. I only finished one of the routes (Lucas) and now I have to go to work and pretend I'm not screaming on the inside. Amazing work 😊
Thank you so, so much! Your kind words have really brightened up my day! :) We are so happy that you enjoyed the Lucas route and we hope you have fun with the others as well!
I love this game we can customize our MC, the premise of story is interesting, and the graphic is beautiful. This game is truly masterpiece I still wonder how come this game is free. Congrats on the release I have no complain the game is perfect and more perfect again u are really generous to provide a guide for us, u are lovely thanks for sharing this amazing game ☺💜❤
Aw, thank you so much for your kindness! We really appreciate it and are so happy that you loved the game!
I very much enjoyed your game!
Thank you so much!
Everything is perfection! I love the world, the writing, the music and the art! The subtle changes for the sprites and adored Astora's outfits, especially the final ones in each route. The BG's were simple and beautiful in their own way too, with just enough detail to add to the story but not too much to detract from the sprites or what was happening. The guide was helpful too so thank you!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! "Perfection" has us jumping for joy!! We so appreciate you playing our game and we're so happy that you enjoyed it!
the game was an absolute joy to play! I enjoyed all the routes though admittedly i am biased towards the Prince haha. The story was short yet sweet and full of amazing characters that i feel sad I could never meet again. I actually loved Astora quite a lot and enjoyed her wittiness and all the responses we can choose for her as well. The outfits of course were also stunning and I admittedly spent too much time admiring her every outfit.
All in all, I would definitely play this game again and would recommend it to friends for a good story and fun characters.
We're over the moon that you enjoyed the game! I'm really happy that you will miss the characters, and especially thrilled that you enjoyed Astora (and her outfits)! Thank you so much for playing and for your sweet comments!
This game is amazing! I finished Aeden's route and fell in love with the character. <3
I was curious about this universe, it seems so interesting.
Thanks for the game!
Thank you so much! We're so glad you enjoyed it and fell in love with Aeden! That you want to know more about the universe makes my heart so full. :) I wanted to add in a compendium originally so anyone who was interested could learn more about the world but cut it to save time. Maybe someday I can add it back in there (or just create more games in this world, haha)!
Oh my gosh, please create more games in this world!!! I will buy them >o<
I absolutely want to make more games in this world. I have already jotted down some ideas to explore the vampire lore, the witchwood, definitely more of the realms of Faery...