Everfall Demo Released!

Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in Everfall!

It was quite a journey for our team to get here. As is always the case with these things, our project don't go completely as planned.  Unfortunately, amidst development, two members of our team suffered personal tragedies and one became very ill, which took a heavy toll on productivity. However, the team rallied and did their best to pull through. As a result of these unexpected and difficult circumstances, what was originally planned to be the release of a finished game was whittled down into a demo...

But we aren't done with Everfall! The team is still working hard to finish the game as quickly (and responsibly) as we can, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to develop and polish Everfall into its best possible version! We would love any feedback you have to help us achieve this goal.

We hope you enjoy the demo and your time in the Autumn Realm!

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im SOOOO excited to see you post again omg! I'm sorry to hear the development was so rickety, but I'm thrilled that you're still pushing through! I can't wait to play the demo!

Thank you, I'm so glad to see you! I hope you enjoy the demo. :) We're definitely pushing through, so fingers crossed you won't have to wait very long for the full release!